Photographic Services

Photography may seem like a simple thing to do with today’s technology in cameras and mobile phones, but forensic and evidentiary photography is not as easy as you might think. Done properly, this kind of photography can record details that might become useful in later evidence case analysis, including crucial measurements and relationships between elements of a scene that can be critical to determining what really happened, and how…… in the case of individualizing evidence, like fingerprints, foot or shoe prints, tire tracks, and tool marks, details like proper perspective, good and appropriate lighting (including from forensic/scientific light sources) and excellent sharpness can mean the difference between useful and useless analysis. Using photogrammetry, a scene can even be mapped for measurements to within inches of accuracy.

Among our associates, we have well over a hundred years of photographic experience in a variety of disciplines that we can bring to bear on your photographic problems. Whether the work requires a background of years as a crime scene photographer, or as a commercial or scientific photographer, there is most likely no problem we can’t solve. Our experience with light in both its scientific and artistic aspects allow us to work in most light related areas of technology, whether using the full spectrum or selective bandwidth(s). Our deep knowledge of digital imaging and related technology allows us to work in almost any image related environment to deliver the results you need, and understand and explain the process if necessary. Contact us to discuss your photographic problems or projects- let us help you solve them quickly, accurately, and effectively.